Monday, April 12, 2010

Time. Volume 2.

Time cannot be talked about as a whole without God coming into the mix. C.S. Lewis talks about time in his unforgettable book, "Mere Christianity". I'll try to stick to my thoughts and not let his have an influence for the blogs sake. When I said everything has a beginning and an end earlier, I was saying that concerning the physical things of this universe. All we know, in existence, once started and will end: the galaxy, the universe, the stars, the sun, the moon, jupiter, mars, mercury, venus, people, air, dirt, animals, water, ipods, you get the point. Things that aren't truly in time will never perish: God and Love for instance. God and Love are actually the same thing, but we'll save that for another time. Concerning time with God in mind, He is not in it. Since God created time, He is the only being that is omnipresent. Key word- present. Remember how we talked about how the present isn't really there? That's because God is the present. He always has been and always will be. He was the God in every story of the Old Testament, the God when dinosaurs ruled the earth, the God who created all that we know, and the God who loves us more then we could ever comprehend. God is the only constant we have. God's presence should not go overlooked, even though it often is. We often think of God as being up in heaven, on the throne of His Kingdom. We usually don't think of God being right where we are, at all times. God is everywhere. In me, in you, around us. God is the air we breathe. In and out. He lives in all things at all times, but we don't think of Him that way. God is the only constant we have. Tim Tebow once said, "There are four things that will last forever: God, His word, people, and rewards." I speak to myself when I say this, that we need to stop treating God as if He is far away, up in Heaven, in His Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is here, and the Kingdom of God is now. God is the omnipresent being. God is the only constant we have.

Peace and Love from up above,


Time. Volume 1.

Not too long ago, a conversation arose from some real talk I was having with a friend. The conversation was about time. More specifically, the past, present and future. Someone had brought up certain facts about all three: past, present, and future. The past is history. Everyone we know has a history. All that we know (in this universe) has a beginning and an end. A start and a finish. The past is not infinite, and never will be. The past is constantly growing, every single moment. This is how the future and past are connected. The future, for all we know is infinite, like space. We have no knowledge of knowing how long we are going to live. Everything that takes place, was once in the future, already set, just being awaited to take place. Then it immediately is the past. For instance, the next word I am going to write is this word right here. I was going to write that sentence all along, but now that I wrote it, it is permanent. Forever in the past. So, with this vast connection between the future and the past, a question arises. Where does the present come in? We give the present way too much credit. Most of the time, we consider the present to be a large portion of time, like the year 2010. But that is a lot of time, a lot of future and past. A lot of things awaiting to happen and a lot of things that have happened and are forever unchanged. We could also consider the present time to be like what we do in specific moments. Like reading a book or listening to a song or driving to the market. Where in reality, we aren't actually driving a car until we drive the car. The act of driving a car consists of walking to it, unlocking the door, opening it, getting inside, etc. So many acts overlooked because the present is divided into moments right? Wait, so what's the point? The point is that the present could be considered inexistent. Everything has a past, constantly growing its history, every second, microsecond, and nanosecond. Everything has a future, allowing history to be constantly written, with a direct change from future to past.