Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Since it is so close to Christmas, I would like to dedicate this blog to the holiday that celebrates the birth of Christ. Lately I have been thinking about something that really bothers me. Not that it can really be changed anytime soon, but it is definitely something to think about or take into consideration. Let's face it, the idea of Christmas doesn't revolve around what it should. In our modern day culture, Christmas has been celebrated for many years, based around trees, gifts, and the wonderful Santa Clause. I would probably guarantee that every child in America (of age) knows about Santa Clause and how he is what makes Christmas magical. Children know all about leaving milk and cookies out for him, waiting for him to come down the chimney on Christmas eve and give the presents that we have been longing for. I am not saying that the belief of Santa Clause and making Christmas special for your kids is a bad thing, I am just saying that maybe we have missed it. Maybe families around the U.S. have been focusing too much on what isn't as important as what the holiday is really celebrating - - The birth of our Savior. Perhaps there has been too much focus on Santa Clause and not enough on Jesus Christ. For some people, the holiday of December 25th should be called "Clausemas". I say we put the Christ back in Christmas. Having an equal level of the lies of Santa Clause (sorry, i know nobody wants to hear it but Santa Clause is a lie told to children to make Christmas more special. ) and Jesus Christ. The birth of Christ and it's holiday is one of my favorites, and I would much rather celebrate the birth of my savior rather than the existence of a jolly red suited man. Santa Clause is still a great way to make ones Christmas special, just be sure to never forget why it is called "Christmas" and not "Clausemas".

Peace and Love from up above,


Thursday, November 12, 2009

think (without) thumbs

So yesterday I lost my phone. I had forgotten it in my dorm room, but didn't know that until I found it much later. I left the dorm to go to class without my phone. I felt lost. I didn't know what to do without it. The world today revolves around media and constant communication with others so much, that we forget what it is like to be without what we are blessed with.
I heard recently that the generation following the X generation is the "thumb" generation, since everyone from the ages of 7-12 (roughly), is constantly using their thumbs on some type of electronic.
When I left for class, the next few hours without my phone was a crisis. I just didn't know what to do without it. We are so dependent on our phones that when we don't have them with us, we are distraught. It's as if the cellular phone has become apart of our arm, always connected to our hands. iPhones and Blackberry's rule the nation. They are everywhere we look; and as soon as that arm attachment (of which it was so highly important to tell that special someone "lol :)") leaves us, even if it's just a few hours, we don't know what to do.
What if it was that way for Christians and God. Shouldn't God be what is constantly attached to us? What if prayer was our "arm attachment"? If prayer was taken away from us for a few hours, would we be as distraught or unglued?
Maybe we should start thinking about what really is important, rather than thinking with our thumbs. Think about that the next time you attach your arm attachment and txt "lol :)", cause now that I have my phone back I definitely will do the same.

Peace and Love from up above,


Sunday, October 25, 2009

First Blog

Hey guys,

this is my first blog.. not really sure what to write but I hope you like what is to follow. This week is super busy for me, but I'll be sure to blog sometime in the near future!

Peace and Love from up above,
